See a slice of Seattle history in graphic novel ‘We Are Not Strangers’
Interview on King 5 ‘New Day Northwest’
Interview on KUOW
Comic Book Club Live Podcast
Comic Book Club Live Podcast
Q&A: Josh Tuininga, Author and Illustrator of ‘We Are Not Strangers’
“A forthright condemnation of a shameful chapter of American history and a heartening reminder of the value of community. “
‘We Are Not Strangers’ showcases a different angle of Japanese-American internment…
How Josh Tuininga is Connecting Readers to the Past
In this innovative graphic novel set in Seattle during World War II, Josh Tuininga depicts…
Guest Post: How a 4Culture Grant Turned Me into a Teacher.
ARTICLE - ‘Dream On’
Valley Record Story about ‘Dream On’
North Bend designer Josh Tuininga create’s children’s book with help from daughters.
We Are Not Strangers by North Bend Artist Josh Tuininga